
VIG Holding has very good capital resources. Maintaining this good capital base in the future is also important to us, both to allow us to take advantage of profitable growth opportunities and to cushion the effects of unexpected or extraordinary events.

Capital management focuses on subordinated long-term liabilities with equity-like characteristics. VIG Holding also places great importance on permanently maintaining a strong credit rating with Standard & Poor’s (S&P). VIG Holding is regularly rated by S&P.

Hannes Gruber, Head of Treasury incl. ALM
VIG Holding monitors its capital positions and takes appropriate measures to further improve its capital structure and strengthen its capital and solvency situation over the long term.
Hannes Gruber Head of Group Treasury & Capital Management
Man working on his mobile phone

Issued Bonds

Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe has issued below listed bonds:


Disclaimer: This website contains information and documents which are for historic documentation purposes only. This website constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any securities of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe. The above mentioned securities have already been sold. Access to detailed information is subject to restrictions.

Bond ISIN Issue Date Outstanding volume Maturity Denomination Coupon
      in EUR mn.   in EUR  
Subordinated Tier 2 Notes AT0000A2XST0 2022 500 2042 100,000 4.875% p.a. until 15 June 2032;
thereafter variable
Subordinated Restricted-Tier-1 Bond AT0000A2NA30
(Private placement)
2021 300 perpetual 1,000,000 First 10 years: 3.2125% p.a.;
thereafter variable
(5-year interest rate fixing)
Sustainability Bond 2021 AT0000A2QL75 2021 500 2036 100,000 1.00% p.a. until 25 March 2036
Subordinated Bond 2017 AT0000A1VGA1
(Private placement)
2017 200 2047 200,000 First 10 years: 3.75% p.a.;
thereafter variable
Subordinated Bond 2015 AT0000A1D5E1 2015 214.4 2046 1,000 First 11 years: 3.75% p.a.;
thereafter variable

Debt Analyses

Date Investment bank Analyst Recommendation
10 August 2023 Erste Group Peter Kaufmann -