Harald Londer appointed as new head of bancassurance at Vienna Insurance Group

" Published: 01/03/2018, Tags: Personalia"

Harald Londer (54) will today assume responsibility for bancassurance at Vienna Insurance Group (VIG). In this newly created department he will oversee the strategic and operational management as well as the ongoing development of bank partnerships throughout the Group.

In this positon, he will also manage the development and implementation of group-wide strategic initiatives with respect to bank partnerships. Strengthening the bancassurance business is one of VIG’s key objectives under its Agenda 2020 management programme, with a particular emphasis on the cooperation with Erste Group. The process of merging bancassurance companies with local composite insurers in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia and the Czech Republic was already initiated last year. “We want to highlight the importance of the bancassurance business by introducing this new function, which will fall directly under my area of responsibility. I am delighted that we have appointed Harald Londer, who has in-depth knowledge of the bancassurance landscape in Austria and the CEE region,” explained Vienna Insurance Group CEO Elisabeth Stadler.

Personal profile

Harald Londer studied law at the University of Graz and began his career at Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung in 1988. He acquired his bancassurance expertise at various companies. His CV includes a range of different functions: head of bancassurance for Raiffeisen Versicherung at UNIQA Group; Member of the Managing Board of HYPO Versicherung within at GRAWE Group; and manager of international business at ERGO Austria International AG. Mr Londer has held numerous positions on the supervisory boards of ERGO Austria’s subsidiaries in Croatia, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, and was appointed as Chairman of the Managing Board at ERGO Pojistovna in the Czech Republic in August 2014. He is married and has two children.

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