New constellation of Vienna Insurance Group’s Managing Board as of 1 July 2023

" Published: 29/11/2022, Tags: Personalia"

Hartwig Löger to become CEO, Peter Höfinger his deputy

The Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) will be composed as follows as of 1 July 2023: Hartwig Löger, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board, Peter Höfinger, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board, Liane Hirner, CFRO, Gerhard Lahner, Gábor Lehel and Harald Riener. All Management Board mandates will run until 30 June 2027.

The future composition of the VIG Managing Board was unanimously decided by Vienna Insurance Group’s Supervisory Board at its meeting on 29 November 2022. It thus follows the proposal made by the Supervisory Board’s nomination committee in September 2022. “By determining the composition of the Managing Board from 1 July 2023 at an early stage, we are not only demonstrating the stability and continuity that VIG Group stands for. The qualified and multi-disciplined Managing Board team complements each other excellently and is very well coordinated”, explains Günter Geyer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vienna Insurance Group.

At their own request, Elisabeth Stadler and Peter Thirring will not extend their mandates, which expire on 30 June 2023, due to planned retirements.

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