Vienna Insurance Group again listed in VÖNIX sustainability index

" Published: 25/06/2019, Tags: Other"

VIG rated continuously since the index was launched in 2005

The Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) has been included yet again in Austria’s VÖNIX sustainability index for the 2019/20 period. The listing was officially announced on 24 June 2019.

VÖNIX is the sustainability benchmark for the Austrian stock market. It contains domestic companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange that are leaders in terms of environmental and social activities and performance. Launched in 2005, VÖNIX was one of the first national sustainability indexes. It aims to demonstrate the long-term benefits of sustainable management and sustainable investment. VÖNIX is based on measures of corporate sustainability.

The Vienna Insurance Group has been listed since the index was introduced in 2005. “Here at VIG, sustainable behaviour begins in our core business, where we take social and ecological factors into account in the investment process. For example, we recently decided to increase the proportion of environmentally friendly investments in our investment strategy. This includes investments in renewable energy, green bonds, environmentally friendly construction methods and renovation of existing non-profit housing,” explains Elisabeth Stadler, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group.

The annual analysis process forms the basis for sustainability ratings, and companies that achieve a high overall rating or a good rating compared with the rest of the sector in question, are included in the VÖNIX index. All domestic companies listed in the prime market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange are eligible for inclusion. The composition of the sustainability index is finalised in mid-June each year and is principally effective for one year.

In 2019, VIG was also again included in the international FTSE4Good index. This global index was developed to spotlight businesses that implement extensive environmental, social and governance measures. The Vienna Insurance Group has been part of the index since mid-2007. VIG’s inclusion in two sustainability indexes is a clear endorsement of the Group’s long-term sustainability strategy. Details of the Group’s activities in this regard can be found in the 2018 Sustainability Report, which is available on the VIG website.

24/05/2019 Annual General Meeting 2019 of Vienna Insurance Group Next Article