Vienna Insurance Group launches cashback system for responsible driving in the Czech Republic

" Published: 11/05/2023, Tags: Other"

User-friendly app based on telematics

Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is consolidating its strategy of offering customers valuable additional benefits. Its new app allows motor vehicle insurance customers to access valuable services and information and it also promotes responsible driving. The higher the driving score, the more the customer can save on insurance premiums. The first telematics tariff is offered by Kooperativa, a VIG company based in the Czech Republic.

Added value for customers

As part of the VIG 25 strategy programme, the insurance group is placing particular focus on consolidating its digital service offering in order to create additional benefits for customers. “For some years now, we have been pursuing the objective of expanding our business model to include offerings that are not primarily related to insurance, i.e. safeguarding against risks. We made a highly successful start to this strategy ten years ago when we set up our own assistance companies ‘Global Assistance’. By offering customers a telematics app, we are taking yet another step forward in offering digital services that provide valuable additional benefits”, explains Elisabeth Stadler, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group. For the new service offering, VIG is collaborating with the Austrian company Dolphin Technologies, which has established itself as a specialist in telematics solutions and was responsible for developing the app. The app can be used on its own, without installing a device in the car.

Cashback for customers of Czech company Kooperativa

The first VIG Group customers to have access to the new digital service will be customers of the Czech VIG company Kooperativa. The “Koopilot” app is available to customers free of charge. Once per quarter, customers will have the chance to recoup between 10% and 40% of the insurance premiums paid in the form of cashback. Payment of cashback is dependent upon responsible driving behaviour and the vehicle being driven. The amount saved so far can be seen clearly on the app’s home screen. Tips for improving driving style are also displayed in the app, allowing customers to both improve driving safety and increase their cashback payments. App users can benefit from an automatic driver’s logbook and information about their driving behaviour, i.e. exceeding speed limits or making calls while driving. All data is recorded with the explicit consent of the customer and secured separately.

Lifesaving emergency button

One particularly important benefit is the large SOS emergency button on the app. In the event of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, customers can simply press the SOS button and an emergency call will be made to VIG Global Assistance in the Czech Republic, providing information about the vehicle, its location and the driver. Customers will receive an immediate call back to discuss next steps. If the customer is not able to speak with the Assistance team, the emergency services will be dispatched to the scene of the accident immediately.

Using the telematics app allows drivers to improve their driving behaviour and receive monetary rewards in return. Drivers are safer as a result, with a reduced risk of accidents. Awareness of driving behaviour is also beneficial from an environmental perspective, and drivers receive coaching to help them improve their driving style. VIG is also planning to roll out the service to other VIG Group companies.

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