Vienna Insurance Group placed subordinated bond with a volume of EUR 200 million

" Published: 07/04/2017, Tags: Capital Measures"
Capital Measures
  • Maturity: 30 years
  • Coupon: 3.75% p.a. during the first 10 years
  • S&P Rating: A-

VIG makes use of the currently favourable interest rate environment in line with the long-term capital planning of the Group.
The subordinated bond of EUR 200 million has been priced on 6 April 2017 in the form of a private placement with international institutional investors. The subordinated bond can be called for the first time after 10 years by the Issuer and satisfies the tier 2 requirements of Solvency II. The subordinated bond will be included in the Third Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange on 13 April 2017.

This news release serves information purposes only and constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any securities of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe.

23/03/2017 2016 preliminary results for Vienna Insurance Group: Profit more than doubled Next Article