Vienna Insurance Group (Wiener Versicherung Gruppe) postpones annual general meeting

" Published: 30/03/2020, Tags: Other"

The Managing Board of VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe has decided to postpone the company’s annual general meeting, which was scheduled for 15 May 2020. A new date will be determined once developments in the course of the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictions currently in place can be assessed more clearly.

Due to the measures introduced by the Austrian federal government to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, timely planning and professional execution of the annual general meeting over the coming weeks will not be possible. The postponement means that both adoption of a resolution on the use of the profit for 2019 and the distribution of dividends will take place at a later stage. Shareholders and the public will be informed about the new date and the arrangements for holding the postponed annual general meeting in a timely manner.

“Health is the number one concern for all of us. I believe our shareholders will understand that the postponement is the most sensible solution in view of the current situation, and this will enable us to adopt our preferred course of action, namely an annual general meeting which the shareholders can attend. We endorse and fully support the measures taken by the Austrian federal government, and we are contributing our part to ensure that the spread of the coronavirus is contained as quickly as possible. This means also taking steps to protect all our stakeholders,” explained CEO Elisabeth Stadler.

Organisational and health-related measures have been implemented in all countries in which the Group operates, with the aim of protecting employees, customers and business partners while at the same time ensuring business continuity. The employees of the around 50 Group insurance companies are currently performing the vast majority of their duties from home. “We are in constant contact with all of our insurance companies and are receiving regular updates on the latest situation in the various countries. We were very quickly in a position to enable staff to perform as many tasks as possible from home, as well as ensuring that customers are still able to access services and contact us, primarily using electronic channels,” Elisabeth Stadler emphasised.

17/03/2020 Vienna Insurance Group (Wiener Versicherung Gruppe) exceeds EUR 10 billion premium volume (preliminary figures for 2019) Next Article