VIG CEO Elisabeth Stadler will not renew her mandate as chairwoman of the management board after 7½ years in office
Published: 29/08/2022 11:46,
Tags: Personalia"
29/08/2022 11:46
Today Elisabeth Stadler informed the chairman of the supervisory board of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe that, after 7½ years as chairwoman of the management board and in view of her having reached the retirement age in 2021, she will not be available for a renewal of her board mandate which expires on 30 June 2023.
Elisabeth Stadler will continue in her position as chairwoman of the management board until the end of the current mandate. The chairman of the supervisory board has asked Elisabeth Stadler to continue to be available to VIG Group after her term of office on the management board, particularly for supervisory board functions.