VIG companies serve roughly 32 million customers in 30 countries. The Group relies on a decentralised management approach and local entrepreneurship to satisfy this large diversity of needs and expectations. A centre of competence for customer experience, established in 2023, focuses on aspects such as creating additional benefits for customers and measuring their satisfaction in a standardised manner. Additionally, the VIG insurance companies want to help to close existing protection gaps, particularly with regard to customers. As part of this, they are concentrating on products that target personal resilience and are evaluating product ranges for under-served or socially disadvantaged customers.

Compentence centre for satisfied customers
In 2023, VIG established a centre of competence for customer experience in Warsaw, which supports the entire Group in creating additional benefits for customers and is part of the VIG 25 strategic programme. Specifically, the centre of competence will define uniform parameters and tools for all companies to measure and improve satisfaction. It will also come up with solutions for improving customer retention. A first step was to develop a joint framework to define the focus areas and methods for measuring satisfaction as well as determining the key points of contact with customers, analysing the latest tools for obtaining feedback, and gathering examples of best practices how to increase customer loyalty. One of the main tasks of the customer experience competence centre is to establish a “voice of the customer” community with representatives from every VIG insurance company. The aim is a twofold exchange of knowledge. Firstly, fostering mutual learning and secondly, co-developing tools and activities for customers.

Customer orientation and product innovation
The local Group companies are responsible for designing products and services that meet the needs of their local customers.
An overview:
- “Green” life insurance
In addition to covering personal risks, some insurance products also have a positive effect on society and the environment. VIG insurance companies, for example, offer unit-linked life insurance policies that invest in ESG funds.
- Insurance products providing environmental added value
Custom-tailored insurance policies promote environmentally friendly mobility and energy-efficient construction.
- Insurance for innovative, sustainable technologies
VIG helps promote the transition to renewable energy by providing insurance for equipment in Central and Eastern Europe.
- Digital services
The VIG companies develop new products and services that make life easier for customers. Digital solutions are ranging from customer advice to insurance solutions all the way to claims handling.
- Affordable protection
Lower premiums for certain target groups allow more people to purchase insurance coverage.
- Creating added value by assistance services
VIG customers in many countries are supported by the Group's own service companies. Several services are being offered digitally based on a software system that was developed in-house, one of the most modern on the market.
The digital transformation is at the top of VIG'S agenda
The VIG 25 strategic programme underscores VIG's efforts to further strengthen and improve its client relationships. This objective is closely related to the digital transformation. The VIG insurance companies have prepared individual plans for implementing the digital transformation that take special local circumstances into account. VIG Holding uses centralised resources to assist with this process, such as the Digital Hub, Digital Base and VIG Xelerate.
The Digital Hub collates experiences from within the group, performs additional research, in the area of InsurTechs for example and makes this knowledge available to all the companies. The digital hub also provides information on start-ups and connects the companies with each other in order to build a Group-wide digitalization and innovation community. Cooperations, such as those with Digital Impact Labs Leipzig, Plug and Play and Venpace, also take place through the Hub.
The Digital Base is a web platform that the companies can use to exchange.
The internal Group innovation competition VIG Xelerate is another measure implemented by VIG Holding to promote the digital transformation. It offers financial support for promising digitalisation projects proposed by the companies, while also strengthening a culture of openness and innovation.
Strict rules and clearly defined processes for data protection and security
VIG implements many measures to protect sensitive customer and employee data. A data protection coordinator at VIG Holding has managed all such projects since 2019. The data protection officers at the individual companies are responsible for implementing specific measures. They also analyse new projects from a data protection point of view and train employees. The data protection management system includes technical and organizational measures, as well as measures to raise the awareness of risks.
The data protection experts in the Group share information extensively. Meetings are held by video conference approximately every three weeks. They either discuss a pre-arranged topic, such as a recent decision by the European Court of Justice, or deal with a variety of topics in an “open meeting”. This can take place in private with the coordinator or together with other responsible persons.

Six spheres of impact of sustainability
The VIG 25 sustainability programme is divided into six spheres of impact in which the Group-wide sustainability efforts have been aggregated