Alongside investment, underwriting as a core activity for insurers is a key lever for contributing to a sustainable future. The Group's long-term objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the corporate and retail underwriting portfolio to net zero by 2050. For this reason, the insurance group has started to measure its scope 3 emissions and is constantly working to improve the quality of its data. This data forms the basis for measuring VIG's progress in the spheres of impact underwriting. VIG also wants to help its customers better adapt to climate change and increase the proportion of products and services that are helpful in this regard.

SusTainability criteria in the corporate business

Insurance companies influence which risks companies can take. VIG is using this lever to contribute to a greener economy. VIG has committed itself to excluding the coal industry from new business. Since 2019, no new insurance contracts have been accepted for coal mining or coal-fired power station projects. Existing policies in this area are being gradually reduced. As a result, the number of coal risks in the corporate business was reduced by 84% in 2023 compared to 2019. Since 2024, VIG is also excluding any risk cover for the exploration of unconventional oil and gas and new deep sea mining projects.

VIG analyses climate risks and develops measures to reduce them

Special scenario analyses help to estimate how climate change will affect the frequency and size of losses and, therefore, the insurance business in different sectors. The medium and long-term effects of climate change are also examined in the “Own Risk and Solvency Assessment” (ORSA), a periodic analysis of a company’s own risk situation and capital adequacy (solvency). The main focus is on potential extreme weather events, such as flooding, storms and severe weather with hail, but also earthquakes are considered. Current scientific studies are used to analyse the possible effects of global warming of 1.5°C, 2.0°C and 3.0°C above pre-industrial levels. Natural disasters and their effects are modelled with the help of external experts. The risk models used are constantly improved based on new data and findings, such as newly built flood protection measures. VIG is using its increased underwriting knowledge to purchase reinsurance for the risks it assumes.

Recommendations for reducing risk for corporate and large customers

The more frequent extreme weather events are increasingly affecting the support provided to corporate and large customers, that is, the underwriting process. The support process begins with a careful analysis of the risk situation and protective measures that have already been implemented. The experts at the partner company RiskConsult use this to develop individually tailored recommendations for further improving the risk situation and preventing losses. Companies have an incentive to implement the recommendations because it would reduce their premiums or, in some cases, because they would not be insurable unless they did so.

Informing customers about weather events and raising awareness

VIG has developed a variety of services to help corporate customers and households manage climate risks more effectively. Early warning systems provide warnings for extreme weather events and information systems allow users to better assess risks. These measures reduce risk by, for example, influencing decisions about whether or not to build a house in certain locations. They also make people aware of the relevant risks and draw attention to longer-term trends.

Insurance for innovative, sustainable technologies

The Group has provided insurance for renewable energies, such as wind, hydroelectric, photovoltaic and biomass power, for many years in Central and Eastern Europe. This also offers new business opportunities by opening up new customer groups. The Group is currently one of the leading providers of insurance for renewable energy generation systems in Central and Eastern Europe.