Above all, the VIG brand stands for trust and security for our customers and employees. The VIG Code of Business Ethics (COBE), based on our VIG mission statement and our VIG values, is intended as a unified code of conduct to support the implementation of these requirements.
The COBE is valid for all employees of VIG, in all management levels and all functions, irrespective of the position of the individual within the company. All addressees of this COBE shall make themselves familiar with its provisions and shall incorporate them into their everyday working life. VIG explicitly calls upon its customers and business partners to equally comply with the principles laid down in the COBE, above all with the international minimum human and labor rights and standards VIG is committed to observe in its business activities throughout the Group.
The COBE contains minimal standards. Moreover, additional general or specific Guidelines or Regulations may apply to Group companies, management levels or functions. These additional Regulations apply unrestrictedly and complementarily to this COBE and do not suspend its fundamental values.
Every Group company is responsible for the proper implementation and internal communication of the COBE. In order to keep the COBE up to date it will be reviewed at regular intervals and updated if necessary.
Our values
VIG is aware of the responsibility that it, as a major international insurance group, has towards its customers, employees, shareholders, business partners and to the society in general. Through its activity, VIG endeavors to promote sustainable economic and social development in all countries in which it is active. Our attitude towards stakeholder groups in every country is governed by honesty and sustainability. Our values reflect the characteristics that are important and valuable to us; they are ideals that form a basis for decision-making and guide our actions. These three values shape everything we do:
- Diversity
Thanks to our presence in 30 markets, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, we have an in-depth understanding of local circumstances. Sharing knowledge, ideas and experience within the Group is part of day-to-day operations. Diversity is one of our success factors and core values. In a way, it is part of VIG’s DNA. - Customer proximity
We have strong roots, both internationally and locally. Thanks to our local employees, we are more than familiar with the typical needs of customers in our different countries and markets. This allows us to offer tailored solutions and maximise customer satisfaction in all of our markets. - Responsibility
We draw on years of experience to safeguard our customers’ futures as effectively as possible. A sense of responsibility and respect are always central to our relationships with our customers, business partners, shareholders and society as a whole.