The following images may be used by the media for reporting on our company free of charge, provided that the copyright notice is clearly visible: Name Photographer / VIG. The download file contains photos in print resolution as well as web-optimised images.

VIG CEO Hartwig Löger
VIG Managing Board
VIG Managing Board Single photos
CEO Hartwig Löger standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
Deputy CEO Peter Höfinger standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
CFRO Liane Hirner standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
COO Gerhard Lahner standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
CIO Gábor Lehel standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
Board member Harald Riener standing, the Ringturm in the background image opens in an overlay
image opens in an overlay
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CEO Hartwig Löger in conversation image opens in an overlay
Portrait of CEO Hartwig Löger, St. Stephen's Cathedral blurred in the reflection in the background image opens in an overlay
Deputy CEO Peter Höfinger sitting and smiling image opens in an overlay
CFRO Liane Hirner in coversation image opens in an overlay
CFRO Liane Hirner in conversation image opens in an overlay
CFRO Liane Hirner standing image opens in an overlay
CFRO Liane Hirner standing image opens in an overlay
COO Gerhard Lahner in conversation image opens in an overlay
COO Gerhard Lahner standing image opens in an overlay
COO Gerhard Lahner standing image opens in an overlay
CIO Gábor Lehel in conversation and smiling image opens in an overlay
CIO Gábor Lehel standing image opens in an overlay
CIO Gábor Lehel standing image opens in an overlay
Board member Harald Riener in conversation image opens in an overlay
Board Member Harald Riener standing with folded arms image opens in an overlay
Board Member Harald Riener standing with folded arms image opens in an overlay
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VIG logos
Ringturm frontview with logo image opens in an overlay
Ringturm with view at Vienna image opens in an overlay
Ringturm aerial view image opens in an overlay
Ringturm overall view image opens in an overlay
Ringturm with Danube canal image opens in an overlay
Ringturm at night image opens in an overlay
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