Double award for Vienna Insurance Group at CEO & CFO Awards

" Published: 14/11/2019, Tags: Other"


Stadler best CEO International, Hirner best CFO Newcomer of the Year

On 13 November 2019, the CEO & CFO Award ceremony 2019 of the consulting company Deloitte together with Börse Express and the CFO Club Austria took place. Elisabeth Stadler was named best International CEO and Liane Hirner best CFO Newcomer of the Year.

Every year, top managers of the ATX Prime companies are up for election. The Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) was able to win two of a total of five awards. The jury's decision in favour of Elisabeth Stadler as the best international CEO is based on the fact that she provides new impetus and at the same time maintains an excellent capital structure. This is proven by the current "A+" rating from Standard & Poor's. The jury also highlights Elisabeth Stadler’s ability of bringing her wide-ranging specialist knowledge to the point in a comprehensible manner.

Commenting on the award presentation by Deloitte Partner Niki Schaffer she said: "I see this award as an appreciation for the entire team of Vienna Insurance Group. Thanks to the dedicated commitment of our employees, we have succeeded in positioning our Group as a stable and reliable partner. We can underpin this with constantly improving key figures. It remains my ambition to further expand VIG's position as number 1 on the Austrian market and in the CEE region".

Liane Hirner was chosen as CFO Newcomer of the Year. The jury of the CFO Club Austria particularly praised how quickly she has settled into her CFO role from auditing. The jury also emphasizes her top expertise in the balance sheet and regulatory insurance sector. Liane Hirner: "I am delighted and honoured that my successful change of perspective from an auditing company to an international insurance group has been acknowledged with this award. As CFO, you are in the exciting and challenging situation to shape sustainable economic success and ensure stability in times of constant change".

The award winners in the category CEO International are selected on the basis of two equally weighted criteria: the jury's verdict and an objective analysis of the company's share price performance. The jury consists of the CEOs and CFOs of the Austrian ATX Prime companies themselves. The CFO Newcomer of the Year is elected by the CFO Club Austria.

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