Elisabeth Stadler was awarded the title „Kommerzialrätin“



Elisabeth Stadler, CEO and Chairwoman of Vienna Insurance Group, was awarded the professional title of “Kommerzialrätin” in recognition of her services to the insurance industry. She received the corresponding decree from Federal Minister Thomas Drozda in the Federal Chancellery on 31 May 2017.

“I am delighted that an experienced insurance expert, who is respected throughout the industry has been honoured with this award. Elisabeth Stadler has devoted her entire professional life to the insurance business and has not regretted it for a moment, as she herself has said. I am even happier that we have someone like her, who shows her commitment to the principles of insurance every single day, with heart and mind, at the wheel of our company. In the relatively short time since she joined our Group in September 2014, she has clearly demonstrated the expertise she has built up during the past few decades. This is reflected in the Vienna Insurance Group’s recently published results for 2016 and the first quarter of 2017. I also value her dedication to social causes, which is a leading priority in our Group,” commented Günter Geyer, Chairman of the Vienna Insurance Group Supervisory Board.

Born in 1961, Elisabeth Stadler has worked in the insurance business for 33 years. She took over as CEO of the Vienna Insurance Group in January 2016. She sits on the Supervisory Boards of various VIG Group companies, Post AG, Casinos Austria and Österreichische Hagelversicherung. The insurance expert is a member of the board of the Vienna Economic Chamber’s Banking and Insurance Industry Sector, an advisory voting member of the board of the Austrian Insurance Association, a delegate to the Vienna Economic Chamber’s economic parliament, a member of the International Actuarial Association and President of the Gesellschaft für Versicherungsfachwissen. She also makes an active contribution to social initiatives as Vice President of the Austrian Red Cross.

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