Gabriella Almássy appointed new General Manager of the Hungarian VIG Group company UNION Biztosító

" Published: 16/09/2019, Tags: Personalia"


The Supervisory Board of the Hungarian VIG Group company UNION Vienna Insurance Group Biztosító Zrt. has appointed Gabriella Almássy (46) the new General Manager of the company effective 1 January 2020. She assumes the position from Gábor Lehel, who moves to the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) in Vienna on the same date.

Gabriella Almássy was born in Hungary and studied actuarial science and international business in Budapest. Before beginning her career at the VIG Group company UNION Biztosító, she gained experience in actuarial departments of international insurance companies: At last she held the position of Chief Actuary and was responsible for managing the non-life and risk management. Since 2015, the manager has been a member of the Managing Board of UNION Biztosító responsible for the life and non-life business.

VIG among the Top 5 in Hungary

Vienna Insurance Group has been in the Hungarian insurance market since 1996. UNION Biztosító offers all lines of business to its customers and has risen to number 5 in the market with a market share of more than 8%. Hungary is one of the countries where VIG aims to achieve at least a 10 % market share in the medium term. UNION Biztosító increased its premium volume a respectable 14 % to EUR 143 million in the first half of 2019. The profit before taxes even increased by 42 % to EUR 4.4 million. The combined ratio improved 1.5 percentage points to 98.2 %.

Almassy Gabriella
zip (10013 KB) 16/09/2019
12/09/2019 Changes in the Managing Boards of Vienna Insurance Group, Wiener Städtische and DONAU Versicherung Next Article