New corporate structure implemented

" Published: 03/08/2010, Tags: Other"


•  Vienna Insurance Group incorporates control of the Group in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe into its holding function

•    As the largest single company, Wiener Städtische Versicherung is responsible for the operational core business in Austria

With effect from 3 August 2010 and following approval from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA), the company's operational insurance business in Austria was legally segregated from the holding functions of the Group. WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, as the largest single company, will therefore continue to handle the property/casualty, life and health insurance business in Austria. Robert Lasshofer takes over responsibility as General Manager of Wiener Städtische Versicherung.
As a listed Group holding company, the VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe focuses on transnational control tasks. Günter Geyer continues to head up the Group as the CEO.
The Vienna Insurance Group is the leading insurance group in Central and Eastern Europe and has approximately 24,000 employees in 23 countries across this region. In 2009, the Group generated a premium volume of more than EUR 8 billion.

"With this modern and forward-looking management structure, the Vienna Insurance Group can control its activities in Central and Eastern Europe even more efficiently. A seamless transition is ensured, as the relevant structures have already been put in place. This allows us to bring to bear the full force of our group and exploit all synergies and opportunities for growth," explains Vienna Insurance Group CEO Günter Geyer.
The Managing Board of VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe is comprised as follows:
General Manager Günter Geyer (Chairman of the Managing Board)

Deputy General Manager Peter Hagen

Member of the Managing Board Martin Simhandl (CFO)

Member of the Managing Board Martin Diviš

Member of the Managing Board Franz Fuchs

Member of the Managing Board Peter Höfinger
Deputy Members of the Managing Board

Franz Kosyna

Roland Gröll

With a market share of approximately 14 percent, the WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group is Austria's leading insurance company. The company has approximately 4,000 employees overall and generated a total premium volume of EUR 2.3 billion in 2009.
"With this new structure, Wiener Städtische Versicherung will be able to concentrate fully on the operational insurance business. Our innovative product portfolio combined with the highest level of advisory skills and strong distribution partnerships has made us the leading partner in Austria in both the private customer and the large corporate customer segments. We will continue to pursue this strategy in the future and we will use the opportunities brought about by the restructuring to further strengthen our position in the Austrian market," explains Wiener Städtische General Manager, Robert Lasshofer.
The Managing Board of WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group is comprised as follows:
General Manager Robert Lasshofer (Chairman of the Managing Board)

Member of the Managing Board Christine Dornaus

Member of the Managing Board Judit Havasi

Member of the Managing Board Erich Leiß

Member of the Managing Board Peter Höfinger

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