Peter Thirring to become new member of the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group

" Published: 05/09/2017, Tags: Personalia"


Contracts of the other VIG managing board members prematurely extended

The Supervisory Board of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) headed by Chairman Günter Geyer decided at its meeting of 5 Sept. 2017 on the new composition of the Managing Board as of 1 July 2018.


Peter Thirring will join the Managing Board of VIG from Donau Versicherung as of 1 July 2018. It will be proposed to the Supervisory Board of Donau Versicherung that, from this date on, Ralph Müller should take over the position as Chairman of the Managing Board and General Manager of Donau Versicherung. Ralph Müller will already be leaving his position as member of the Managing Board of Wiener Städtische Versicherung by 30 Sept. 2017.

In addition, the management board mandates of CEO Elisabeth Stadler, Judit Havasi and Peter Höfinger, effective until 30 June 2018, were prematurely extended for five years until 30 June 2023. Franz Fuchs’s term of office as a member of the Managing Board was extended until 30 June 2020.

“With the announcement of the premature extension of management contracts and the appointment of a highly-regarded insurance expert, the Supervisory Board gives special credit and shows its trust in the current team. At the same time, we continue with our policy of long-term planning for a sustainably strong executive management”, explains Günter Geyer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIG.

Peter Thirring was born in Seattle in 1957 and studied law at the University of Vienna. His more than 30 years of experience in the insurance industry he acquired with Generali Group. Since March 2016 he is CEO of Donau Versicherung.

As of 1 July 2018, the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group will consist of the following members:

Elisabeth Stadler, CEO
Franz Fuchs
Judit Havasi
Liane Hirner
Peter Höfinger
Peter Thirring

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