Philipp Bardas appointed new Vienna Insurance Group General Secretary

" Published: 25/09/2017, Tags: Personalia"


Philipp Bardas will take over as Head of the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) General Secretariat on 1 October 2017. In his role as General Secretary, he and his team will be responsible for international and interdepartmental projects, preparing annual and interim reports, and coordinating meetings of the governing bodies. He succeeds Sabine Stiller, who in future will be in charge of the motor insurance department at Wiener Städtische Versicherung.

“Mr Bardas combines a high level of expertise with a strategic mindset, drive and commitment,” commented Elisabeth Stadler, Chair of the Vienna Insurance Group Managing Board. “As the leading insurer in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe, the Vienna Insurance Group offers a range of career opportunities. Mr Bardas has demonstrated his abilities in various positions at VIG Group companies and is the ideal choice for the post of General Secretary.”
In profile
Philipp Bardas was born in 1978 and completed his legal education in 2003, obtaining a law doctorate from the University of Vienna. After taking his bar examination, he joined the Legal Department at Wiener Städtische in September 2008, before moving in July 2010 to the Donau Versicherung General Secretariat, where he was appointed manager in February 2012. He became General Secretary at Donau Versicherung in April 2015. He is married and has three children.

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