Vienna Insurance Group achieves top results for the 1st to 3rd quarter of 2019

" Published: 27/11/2019, Tags: Results"


Net profit increases by 9.5%, earnings per share to EUR 2.36

  • Premiums rise 6.7% to EUR 7.9 billion
  • Profit (before taxes) increases 6.8% to EUR 376 million
  • Combined ratio of 96.4% at the level of the previous year

Vienna Insurance Group continued to grow in the 1st to 3rd quarter of 2019. The significant year-on-year increase in premiums and profit (before taxes) clearly shows this continuing upward trend in 2019. The combined ratio of 96.4% is almost the same as the equivalent period in the previous year (96.3%). “Our key figures for the current year 2019 continue to show improvement after nine months and the growth trend we have followed since 2016 is ongoing. We are very confident about achieving our planned 2019 targets for a premium volume of EUR 9.9 billion and profit (before taxes) in the range of EUR 500 to 520 million”, concluded Elisabeth Stadler, General Manager of Vienna Insurance Group, satisfied with the quarterly results achieved.

Premiums increase in all lines of business
Total premium volume rose by 6.7% to EUR 7,851 million in the first three quarters of 2019. All lines of business recorded premium growth. VIG managed to achieve double-digit growth in health insurance (+ 11.2%) and other property insurance (+ 10.1%). The largest contributors to this premium increase were the segments Poland (+ EUR 165 million), Austria (+ EUR 110 million) and Baltic states (+ EUR 91 million). The CEE markets contributed slightly more than 9% to the increase in premiums, or around 5% after adjusting for first-time consolidation (Poland, Baltic states, Bosnia-Herzegovina).

Profit (before taxes) positive in all country segments
Profit (before taxes) was EUR 376.2 million. This corresponds to an increase of 6.8% compared to the 1st to 3rd quarter of 2018. Profit was positive in all country segments. The largest increases in profit were achieved in the segments Poland, Austria and Bulgaria.

Group profit after taxes and non-controlling interests (net profit) rose by 9.5% to EUR 226.5 million.

Combined ratio stable
The combined ratio of 96.4% was slightly higher by 0.1 percentage points compared to the previous year (96.3%) due to weather effects. The Bulgaria, Baltic states and Remaining CEE segments recorded significant improvements in the combined ratio for the non-life business. The reductions in the combined ratio were mainly due to measures taken for motor insurance in Ukraine and Serbia and for other property insurance in Croatia. Although the combined ratio also improved significantly in Romania (- 3.1 percentage points) due to activities in motor third party liability, it nevertheless remains above 100%.

Other key financial figures
The financial result, including the result from at equity consolidated companies, amounted to EUR 627 million for the 1st to 3rd quarter of 2019, a 21.2% reduction compared to the previous year. The year-on-year decrease in the financial result was primarily due to a reduction in realised gains from investments and one-off proceeds from the sale of real estate investments in 2018. Earnings per share (annualised) were EUR 2.36.

Group investments including cash and cash equivalents added up to EUR 35.8 billion by 30 September 2019. This 4.8% decrease compared to 31 December 2018 was due to the consolidation change of the non-profit societies starting with 1 August 2019.

Information on reporting
VIG has modified its reporting in response to a change in the rules for the prime market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange. No changes will be made to the annual and half-year financial reports. Starting in 2019, interim reports in accordance with IAS 34 will no longer be prepared for the 1st and 3rd quarters. The quarterly figures for net assets, financial position and results of operations for the 1st and 3rd quarters were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

IR news and a results presentation are available at

27 VIG Results Q1 3 2019 En
pdf (87 KB) 27/11/2019
27 VIG Results Q1 3 2019 Cz
pdf (171 KB) 27/11/2019
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