Vienna Insurance Group and Wiener Staatsoper pave the way for live broadcasts

" Published: 10/09/2018, Tags: Other"


VIG supports “Wiener Staatsoper live at home” project

Numerous performances from the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna Opera House) extensive repertoire of around 45 productions are broadcasted worldwide in HD as part of the “Wiener Staatsoper live at home” project.

From 11 September 2018, opera fans around the world will be able to watch selected opera and ballet performances from the comfort of their own homes. Besides the live transmissions, there is also a video library with recordings of selected productions.
Opera live on all platformsViewers can watch live broadcasts from the Wiener Staatsoper on any device with an internet connection: on a PC or laptop (a large screen or projector adds to the experience), on any mobile device or – a particularly easy-to-use option – on the dedicated Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and SmartTV apps; in Austria, broadcasts are also available to users of the A1TV Mediabox. A standard internet connection is all it takes, and owners of Samsung SmartTVs can watch some performances in UHD. A total of 72 hours of live transmissions will be available. Viewers can also switch between two channels at any time: a live stream and a full stage view. And broadcasts in the upcoming 2018/19 season will also feature subtitles in six languages.

Vienna Insurance Group: a long-term supporter of cross-border cultural projects
As a dedicated supporter of the arts, the Group has been promoting artists, culture projects and international cultural exchange since the 1920s. When selecting sponsorship projects, the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) looks at various aspects, including the potential benefits for Group companies in the countries involved. In March 2018, VIG Group company Osiguruvanje MAKEDONIJA invited classes from a music school and a grammar school in Skopje to a cinema for an exclusive screening of a performance of the ballet “Raymonda”.

Sponsorship of the “Wiener Staatsoper live at home” project fits seamlessly into VIG’s long tradition of supporting cultural initiatives. As Elisabeth Stadler, General Manager of Vienna Insurance Group, confirmed: “The Vienna Insurance Group is a long-standing and dedicated partner to cultural and social projects in Austria, Central and Eastern Europe, and provides valuable impetus. As insurer of the future, VIG is prepared for the digital age and is also focusing on digitisation and networking in its sponsoring activities. It is important to us that our collaboration with the Wiener Staatsoper, a world-renowned cultural institution, enables us to make a contribution to cultural life and cultural development that extends far beyond the Austrian capital and connects opera fans around the world.”

Wiener Staatsoper Director Dominique Meyer also speaks highly of VIG’s support: “The Wiener Staatsoper has the largest repertoire of any opera house in the world. And thanks to our investment in and strong focus on digitalisation, over the past few years we have been able to bring our performances to an even wider international audience. We broadcast around 45 performances direct to the living rooms of opera and ballet fans all over the world. Our in-house broadcasting system allows us to reach out to hundreds of schools in Austria and abroad with school streams, giving countless youngsters an insight into the world of opera and a glimpse behind the scenes. I’m delighted to have a strong partner in the shape of VIG for such an important area, and I would like to express my gratitude to the Group for its commitment and support.”

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