Vienna Insurance Group Annual General Meeting 2012: Raise in dividend by 10 percent to EUR 1.10 per share

" Published: 04/05/2012, Tags: Other"

On 4 May 2012 the 21st Annual General Meeting of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe was held at Stadthalle in Vienna. Due to an increase in the profit (before taxes) by 10.1 percent to about EUR 560 million and a growth in premiums by 3.4 percent to about EUR 9 billion, the best result in Group’s history has been achieved. The double-digit profit increase in the core markets Austria, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic has been remarkable.


In view of the excellent result, the Annual General Meeting approved the motion of the Managing Board to raise the dividend by 10 percent and to pay EUR 1.10 per share. The dividend payment date and the ex-dividend date is 14 May 2012.
Ms. Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, who has been a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank until 2011 and is currently active as emerita consultant for the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), has been elected into the Supervisory Board. As a renowned financial and economic expert, Ms. Tumpel-Gugerell looks back on a longstanding experience in various executive bodies and has a profound knowledge of European economic policy and financial market stability.
The Supervisory Board of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe is composed as follows:
Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, ChairmanKarl Skyba, Deputy ChairmanBernhard BackovskyMartina DobringerAlois HocheggerHeinz ÖhlerReinhard OrtnerMartin RomanGertrude Tumpel-GugerellFriedrich Stara

The resolutions of the Annual General Meeting were adopted by the shareholders with a large majority of votes. More detailed information is available for download on the Internet:

The statement of General Manager Günter Geyer on the consolidated financial statements for 2011 presented at today’s Annual General Meeting were recorded and will be available on the Internet as from approx. 5 p.m.:

06 General Meeting 2012 En
pdf (83 KB) 04/05/2012
06 General Meeting 2012 Cz
pdf (141 KB) 04/05/2012
29/03/2012 Record result of Vienna Insurance Group in 2011 Next Article