Vienna Insurance Group in Slovakia: New members of the management team of Kooperativa

" Published: 11/12/2013, Tags: Personalia"

At the meeting on 10 December, the Supervisory Board of Kooperativa poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group adopted the following changes regarding the composition of the company’s Managing Board.


With effect 1 April 2014, Regina Ovesny-Straka will be appointed to the Managing Board of Kooperativa and occupy the position of Deputy General Manager. Moreover, Viera Kubašová will become a Member of the Managing Board of the company as of 1 July 2014. Vladimír Chalupka will join the Managing Board of Kooperativa also with effect 1 July 2014. Klaudia Volnerová, Member of the Managing Board of Kooperativa, will end her active career on 30 June 2014 and resign from the Managing Board.
“Kooperativa – the leading VIG company in our core market Slovakia – is positioned excellently and achieves sustainable, profitable growth despite challenging market conditions. With a view to ensuring the continuation of this favourable development in the future, the necessary arrangements were made to strengthen the top echelons of the company’s management. I am particularly pleased that we have succeeded in welcoming Regina Ovesny-Straka, one of the most experienced managers in Slovakia’s financial sector, on board of Vienna Insurance Group”, stated Peter Hagen, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group.
More details about the new Board members:
Regina Ovesny-Straka (born in 1959) studied business science at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. She has been active in the banking sector for more than 30 years –including 15 years in Slovakia – and has held Managing Board positions for about 20 years. Regina Ovesny-Straka has been the CEO of Slovenská sporiteľňa from 2001 to 2009. After relocating to the Austrian market in 2009, she headed Salzburger Sparkasse as CEO and General Manager.
Viera Kubašová (born in 1965) graduated from the University of Technology of Bratislava and has been active as a financial expert in the banking and insurance sector since 1996. Viera Kubašová has been working with the VIG company Poisťovňa Slovenskej sporiteľne for ten years. She has been a member of the company’s Managing Board since 2007. Moreover, she was appointed to the Extended Managing Board of Kooperativa poisťovňa in 2010.
Vladimír Chalupka (born in 1980) studied at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Technology of Košice. Since 2006 he has worked in accountancy for the Vienna Insurance Group companies in Slovakia. In 2011 Vladimír Chalupka became the head of the joint accounting unit of Kooperativa poisťovňa and Komunálna poisťovňa. 
As from 1 July 2014, the Managing Board of Kooperativa will be composed as follows:

Juraj Lelkes, General Manager and Chairman of Managing Board

Regina Ovesny-Straka, Deputy General Manager, Deputy Chairwoman of the Managing Board

Kurt Ebner, Deputy General Manager, Member of the Managing Board

Zdeno Gossányi, Member of the Managing Board

Vladimír Chalupka, Member of the Managing Board

Viera Kubašová, Member of the Managing Board

Erik Nikmon, Member of the Managing Board

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