Vienna Insurance Group is the most diverse company in Austria

" Published: 28/02/2020, Tags: Other"


VIG reaches 1st place in the BCG Gender Diversity Index Austria 2019

Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) was number one in the BCG Gender Diversity Index Austria 2019 published by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The index analyses the gender balance and pay gaps in the managing and supervisory board for the 50 largest listed companies in Austria.

In 2018, VIG already achieved 2nd place in the diversity index introduced by Boston Consulting Group for Austria in 2018. In 2019, VIG scored 91 of a maximum of 100 possible points to move into the top position for this index. BCG developed the index together with the Austrian business magazine “trend” to promote diversity in the business sector. The index is based on the proportion of women and men in the managing board and supervisory board, and the distribution of remuneration in these two boards. Vienna Insurance Group has the best gender balance in its managing board and supervisory board, and provides equal pay for men and women. “I see this award as confirmation of our strategy to not just define diversity as our core value, but instead view it as a competitive factor in a comprehensive diversity strategy. To us, diversity management means genuine appreciation, open acceptance and conscious use of our diversity,” explains Elisabeth Stadler, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group.

In addition to paying attention to the gender balance at management levels and opportunities for equal pay, VIG's gender measures also focus on promoting a balance between career and family. Currently 100% of women managers, for example, return to VIG after maternity leave. In 1974, VIG's largest Group company, Wiener Städtische, set up the first company kindergarten in Vienna for the children of VIG company employees in Austria. Along with flexible working time models and mobile work, VIG also offers a “Family Week”, an additional week of time off after the birth of a child that provides support for all types of families. “Diversity is more than just a competitive factor for us. It promotes and supports successful entrepreneurship and our corporate culture,” states Elisabeth Stadler, seeing the award from the Boston Consulting Group as confirmation of VIG's diversity strategy.


Andreas Weber, Chief Editor trend and Elisabeth Stadler, CEO Vienna Insurance Group

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