Hartwig Löger: “Many take the topic of risk lightly”

"Author: Simon Schütt, Published: 10/10/2023, Average Reading Time: 15 minutes, Tags: Responsibility"
Simon Schütt
Simon Schütt 10/10/2023 15 minutes

In an interview with “Die Presse”, the VIG CEO presents the results of a major CEE risk competence study conducted by VIG with Gallup International.

Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) commissioned Gallup International to conduct a comprehensive study on risk competence. The representative market study examined the risk competence of around 9,000 people in nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe in June and July 2023. Perceptions, assessments and measures of everyday risks in the areas of health, occupation, housing, liability and cybersecurity were surveyed. The key finding was that there is a significant need for increased risk literacy in all of VIG's core markets surveyed (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia). The majority have not yet seriously addressed the essential risks of modern life. And this despite the fact that the potential financial damage is estimated to be considerable.

In an interview with “Die Presse”, Hartwig Löger, CEO of Vienna Insurance Group, analyses the results of the study and explains what measures VIG is taking to raise awareness of risk management. He also explains how the topic of risk competence is anchored in the insurance group's VIG 25 sustainability strategy.

Learn more in the video interview. You can also find more information in the VIG press release
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