VIG sets numerous supporting actions for people in Türkiye and Ukraine

" Published: 30/03/2023, Average Reading Time: 5 minutes, Tags: Responsibility"
30/03/2023 5 minutes


The ongoing war in Ukraine and the terrible earthquakes in Türkiye in February 2023 have made us very concerned. Our main focus has always been and will continue to be on supporting the people and above all our employees in the Ukrainian and Turkish Group companies. We live a strong sense of solidarity within the Group, and we are currently demonstrating this again in Türkiye, where we are providing support after the horrible earthquakes.


In Türkiye, our attention is currently focused on the people and our employees of the two Turkish Group companies Ray Sigorta and Viennalife that have also been directly affected by the consequences of the terrible earthquake. Both Group companies are active in the region affected by the earthquake and have regional offices there or are working with agencies in this region.

Some employees have lost all their belongings, and many offices have been badly damaged or destroyed.

Both Turkish Group companies have set up a local aid fund for affected employees, which VIG Holding supports with EUR 1 million. In addition, we have donated EUR 1 million to the Red Cross for the earthquake victims in Türkiye.


VIG is shocked and dismayed by the current situation in Ukraine. Immediately after the war began, VIG has started coordinated aid and support actions for the people in Ukraine. As part of the solidarity-based world community that stands for humanity, it goes without saying for VIG to offer support and help wherever possible.

Initially, a team was set up to coordinate support measures with the Ukrainian colleagues. In the Group companies in the neighbouring countries of Ukraine where VIG is active, activities were started to organise transport from the Ukrainian border and to accommodate colleagues and families in need in accommodation provided. Especially in Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia and Hungary, VIG employees have mobilised and tried to do everything possible to alleviate suffering and provide full support.

VIG provides flats for employees of Ukrainian companies

Hundreds of thousands of people fled Ukraine in the first days of the war, many of whom set out to find a safe place for themselves and their families in the direct neighbouring countries and in Austria. Among them were numerous colleagues from the Ukrainian companies of the VIG Group. Among other actions, the VIG Group provided vacant flats equipped with everything necessary from its real estate portfolio available to those arriving. More than 500 people have been accommodated in flats in this way.

VIG Family Fund established for Ukraine

Additionally, the VIG Management has proactively set up the VIG Family Fund to enable all VIG Group companies and employees to support our Ukrainian colleagues and their families in a targeted way. The fund aims to cover medium and long-term war damages.

VIG Board Harald Riener
With this fund it is our goal to support directly affected families of our Ukrainian Group companies (UIG, Kniazha, Kniazha Life, VIG Services Ukraine, Ukrainian Assistance Service) to alleviate personal strokes of fate, cases of hardship and reconstruction after the war. A VIG Holding committee together with local committees was set up to distribute targeted support under my personal leadership. The fund has been endowed with EUR 5 million as a basis. All our companies are invited to contribute to this fund. There is also a strong desire among the employees in the Group to contribute to any kind of support and, of course, employees can also take advantage of this opportunity and contribute directly to this fund.
Harald Riener VIG Managing Board member

Around EUR 7 million are now available, which will be used to directly support affected families of our Ukrainian companies. The first disbursement has already been approved for an employee who was seriously injured by a bombing and needed a hip prosthesis.

In addition to the great human suffering, the economic effects of the conflict and the associated sanctions are also far-reaching. VIG therefore continues to analyse current developments on an ongoing basis.

We can only hope that sanity and peace will soon return and that the right measures will be found to defuse this crisis as quickly as possible and prevent further unnecessary suffering of people. We will continue to stand by our colleagues in Ukraine and their families!

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