We live life balance instead of work-life balance

"Author: Barbara Hohl, Published: 20/12/2023, Average Reading Time: 3 minutes, Tags: Career"
Barbara Hohl, Head of VIG Human Ressources
Barbara Hohl 20/12/2023 3 minutes

As Vienna Insurance Group, we are a group with more than 50 insurance companies and pension funds in 30 countries. For the holding company, whose HR department I head, this also means a strong focus on internationality and diversity. This also benefits us when it comes to attracting applicants. We employ many people of different nationalities, age groups 

As an employer, we are very proud of the fact that we have strong, resilient roots and can offer employees stability even in turbulent times. Our employees have greatly appreciated this, especially during the pandemic.

In our HR work, we are of course looking closely at the new requirements of the labor market and the changing needs of our employees. As a holding company, we employ many experts in the respective specialist areas, so appropriate qualifications are required. Like everywhere else, it is currently somewhat more difficult to find suitable employees. Employer branding has never been as important as it is now and our many years of positioning ourselves as an attractive employer, which is also constantly being recognized with important awards, is paying off. After all, human resources flow through all areas of a company like veins in the body. The statement that every company is only as good as its employees is not just an empty phrase, but real everyday life. After all, it takes people to implement a corporate strategy.

I believe that treating employees with respect is crucial to the success of a company. We value working together as partners under the motto "give & take". We also pay attention to diversity in the benefits we offer for the different target groups and generations in our company. At VIG, we don't talk about the famous work-life balance, but rather about life balance, because these areas are becoming increasingly intertwined.

Barbara Hohl, Head of VIG Human Ressources
At VIG, we don't talk about the famous work-life balance, but quite deliberately about life balance, because these areas are becoming increasingly intertwined.
Barbara Hohl Head of Human Resources

We have implemented a wide range of measures to offer different target groups in the Company.

This also applies to the wide range of further development opportunities, such as our Group-wide leadership programs with renowned training providers. These strengthen the sense of togetherness and mutual exchange. With a special expert program, we want to offer a great alternative to traditional management careers. Of course, there are also virtual offerings, such as the e-learning platform, from which many employees benefit in an uncomplicated and flexible way. Remote working and flexible working options have now become part of our basic offering.

To briefly summarise our strategy: In our HR work, we have to act strategically in order to not only react to the challenges of the labor market, but to use them as opportunities. On the other hand, in practice we focus on 'employee centricity' in order to motivate, promote and retain employees. I hope I have sparked your interest in VIG. We would love to get to know you!

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