Subsidiaries and M&A
E for Equity Investment
- Strategic goal of the department
To initiate and implement M&A projects in accordance with the VIG strategy, to safeguard VIG's interests in the Group’s subsidiaries and to monitor the equity investment portfolio. - Core tasks
- Conception and implementation of M&A and financing and cooperation projects, taking into account legal and economic conditions
- Ongoing monitoring and management of the VIG equity investment portfolio
- Preparation and provision of information on investments and equity investment projects to internal and external stakeholders
- Daily Business:
- Project management of M&A projects, corporate actions and financings
- Preparation of economic analyses of investments
- Supervision of investment companies and support of the respective management
- Review of corporate law issues, preparation of resolutions and drafting of contracts
- Information and reports on subsidiaries, investments and financings
- Subsidiaries data management
Key Qualifications
- Wirtschaftliches oder juristisches Studium
- Mehrjährige Berufspraxis, vorzugsweise bei einem Wirtschaftstreuhändler, einer Wirtschafts-Anwaltskanzlei oder in vergleichbarer Tätigkeit
- Idealerweise Erfahrung im Versicherungsbereich
- Selbstständige Arbeitsweise, schnelle Auffassungsgabe und ausgeprägtes Zahlenverständnis
- Sicheres Auftreten, hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative und Einsatzbereitschaft sowie Belastbarkeit
- Teamfähigkeit
The dynamic development of the group is particularly reflected in our department. Through the daily work of my dedicated team, we contribute significantly to the expansion of our group. We work closely with other departments and group companies with enthusiasm and commitment, coordinate with external advisors and implement diverse M&A projects with great passion. We maintain an overview of our investment portfolio and serve as a competent source of information.
Benefits in der VIG
Our offering
What makes working for us special? Decide for yourself: is it the many training and further education opportunities, the international nature or the work-life balance?
Recruiting team
Barbara Zierler
+43 50 390 26021
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Krisztina Szabo
+43 50 390 20251
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