Corporate Governance
Responsible Corporate Governance
The goal of all corporate governance measures of VIG is to ensure responsible corporate management aimed at long-term growth while simultaneously maintaining effective corporate control.
The Austrian Code of Corporate Governance
VIG Holding is committed to the application of and compliance with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance.
The L-Rules ("Legal Requirement") are observed in their entirety in accordance with the law.
VIG Holding differs from the rules of the Code for the following C-Rule ("Comply or Explain") and explains this as follows:
Rule 52a
According to C-Rule 52a of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance, the number of members on the Supervisory Board (without employee representatives) shall be ten at most. In 2023, the Supervisory Board of VIG Holding consisted of twelve members elected by the Annual General Meeting. The number of members in the Supervisory Board is due to the fact that the company operates over 50 insurance companies and pension funds in 30 countries. This makes it possible to include additional expertise with respect to the internationality and further growth of the VIG Group, including in response to increasing regulatory requirements.
Rules which are merely recommendations (“Recommendations”); non-compliance with rules which are merely recommendations do not need to be disclosed or explained.
C-Rule 62 of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance provides for voluntary external evaluation of compliance with the C-Rules of the Code. VIG Holding arranged to have these evaluations performed for the 2023 Group Corporate Governance Report. All evaluations came to the conclusion that all requirements of the Code were fulfilled.

Our compliance management system promotes a culture of integrity to protect the Company and its employees from penalities and other financial losses and the good reputation of VIG.
Transparency for our stakeholders

A uniform code of conduct in the Group specifies minimum standards.

Three fundamental protection goals: confidentiality, integrity and availability

Ensuring that the obligations assumed under insurance policies can be satisfied at all times