Prestigious Award for the Vienna Insurance Group:

" Published: 15/01/2010, Tags: Other"


Best Regional Insurer in CEE

In December 2009, annual insurer awards were presented by “UNiBA Partners“, one of the world’s largest, independent service providers in the field of risk management and insurance brokerage. The clear winner in the “Best Regional Insurer (CEE)” category was the Vienna Insurance Group.


“The Vienna Insurance Group began its process of expansion into Central and Eastern Europe 20 years ago and has transformed itself during that time from being a purely Austrian insurance company into the leading international insurance group in the region,” comments Peter Höfinger, Member of the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group“It is therefore a great honour and gives us great pleasure to receive this prestigious award from UNiBA Partners as a recognition of our commitment, our professionalism, our product quality and, not least, the confidence of our clients in CEE.”

The “UNiBA Partners’ Awards” are based on a survey conducted globally among UNiBA Partners staff. The primary criteria are innovation and problem solving, client focus, claims service, loss control and risk engineering. Awards were presented this year in four categories, including “Best Regional Insurer Award“, which acknowledges the performance of insurance companies that have been particularly successful in specific regions.

The award ceremony took place in the Kaiserstein Palace in Prague. The award was presented by Ralf Hösch, authorized representative of the Austrian UNiBA Partner RVM Versicherungsmakler, to Peter Höfinger, Member of the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group, who accepted it on behalf of the individual group companies of the Vienna Insurance Group in CEE.

“Flexibility, customer and solution-oriented action, as well as quick decision-making in problematic cases so as to benefit our customers, were the reasons most frequently cited by our partners in the survey and thus form the basis for the “Best Regional Insurer (CEE) 2009” award, commented Ralf Hösch, RVM Versicherungsmakler, at the award ceremony.

RVM Versicherungsmakler, a subsidiary of the Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG, is based in Linz and is one of the largest industrial insurance brokers in Austria. It has offices in Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Prague, Ceske Budejovice (Budweis), Plzen and Brno. UNiBA Partners was founded 20 years ago and is now represented by partners in 120 countries.

The listed Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is one of the leading insurance groups in CEE headquartered in Vienna. Outside of its home base in Austria, Vienna Insurance Group is also active, through subsidiaries and insurance holdings, in Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Georgia, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Ukraine and Belarus. It also has branches in Italy and Slovenia.

On the Austrian market, the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) positions itself with Wiener Städtische Versicherung, Donau Versicherung and Sparkassen Versicherung.