The Vienna Insurance Group in the Czech Republic

" Published: 01/12/2010, Tags: Other"

Kooperativa is one of the country's top 5 companies

Kooperativa, the leading Vienna Insurance Group company in the Czech Republic, was recently placed fourth in a ranking of the "100 best Czech businesses", an outstanding follow-up to the excellent appraisal of the previous year.
The aim of the "Top 100" ranking list is the establishment of a nationwide benchmark for economic performance criteria. The jury of experts assesses the management and executives of the nominated companies in the various industry sectors. Factors such as the experience of the directors, personal networks and exceptional results from the previous year are all taken into account in the appraisal.

"I am very pleased that Kooperativa, our largest Group company in the CEE region, has again been rewarded for its performance. Our Czech colleagues continue to deliver outstanding results and provide a real showcase for our successful corporate strategy in Central and Eastern Europe,"
 comments Günter Geyer, CEO of the Vienna Insurance Group, regarding the excellent appraisal.

Market Leader in the Czech Republic

With a market share of 20.5 percent, Kooperativa is the second biggest insurer in the Czech market and, as a composite insurer, offers high quality insurance solutions in the life and non-life segments. It is the largest Vienna Insurance Group company outside Austria and achieved premiums of EUR 898 million in the first three quarters of 2010. Its market share in the motor insurance segment is 25 percent. In the near future, Kooperativa will be expanding its portfolio to include legal protection insurance and further building on its strong position in the vehicle insurance market.

With its three Group companies Kooperativa, PČS and ČPP, the Vienna Insurance Group is the top insurer in the Czech Republic, one of its core markets. During the first nine months of 2010, the Group achieved written (consolidated) premiums of EUR 1.3 billion in the Czech Republic, a significant increase of 7.6 percent on the previous year. The Group's growth in the life insurance segment was an eye-catching 27.7 percent.

27 Kooperativa One Of Top 5 Eng
pdf (85 KB) 01/12/2010
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