Vienna Insurance Group Annual General Meeting 2013

" Published: 03/05/2013, Tags: Other"

Resolution to increase dividend to EUR 1.20 per share


On 3 May 2013 the 22nd Annual General Meeting of Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe was held at Stadthalle in Vienna. Thanks to an increase in profit (before taxes) by 5.1 percent to EUR 587.4 million and a growth in premiums by 9.0 percent to EUR 9.7 billion, the best result in the Group’s history has been achieved. Profit after taxes and minority interests even grew by 9.7 percent to a total of EUR 446.2 million. This excellent result for the year highlights once more the profitability and sustainable development of the leading insurance group in Austria and CEE.
Today the Annual General Meeting approved the motion of the Managing Board to increase the dividend again and to distribute EUR 1.20 per share. Vienna Insurance Group is continuing its long-term dividend policy of a pay-out ratio of at least 30 percent of the Group profit after taxes and minority interests. The dividend payment day and the ex-dividend date is 13 May 2013.
The resolutions of the Annual General Meeting were adopted by the shareholders with a large majority of votes. More detailed information is available for download on the Internet:

The recording of the presentation given by General Manager Peter Hagen at today’s Annual General Meeting will be available on the website of Vienna Insurance Group as from approx. 5 p.m. at

05 General Meeting 2013 En
pdf (86 KB) 03/05/2013
05 General Meeting 2013 Cz
pdf (140 KB) 03/05/2013
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