Vienna Insurance Group: Christoph Rath appointed new member of the Management Board in Bulgaria

" Published: 19/07/2011, Tags: Personalia"

Christoph Rath (34) has been appointed to the Board of Bulstrad Non-Life and Bulgarski Imoti Non-Life as of July 2011. In this role his duties will include overseeing international clients as well as international cooperations of the Bulgarian Group companies.


“I am very pleased that, in Mr. Rath, we are able to present a young but also very experienced executive for the activities in our core market Bulgaria. He has already demonstrated his skills and expertise successfully over the course of many years with the Vienna Insurance Group, during which time he has acquired extensive knowledge of our Group. With his many years of experience in international management, Christoph Rath will be able to make a significant contribution to achieving the corporate goals of the Vienna Insurance Group in Bulgaria,” comments Günter Geyer, CEO of the Vienna Insurance Group.

About Christoph Rath
Christoph Rath studied Banking and Finance at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences and Economics at the University of Sydney. Born in Lower Austria, he began his professional career in the world of banking, working for prestigious Austrian and German banks. He joined the Vienna Insurance Group in 2004 as an Assistant to the Board and was additionally responsible, as Country Manager, for the Serbian and German markets. He joined the Management Board of the Serbian Group company, Wiener Städtische osiguranje, in 2007, where he was responsible for reinsurance, life insurance, holdings and investments, as well as human resources, logistics and administration.

Christoph Rath
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15 Rath Board Member Bulgaria Cz
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15/07/2011 Vienna Insurance Group in Hungary: Gábor Lehel takes over Chairmanship of the Board of the Union Biztosító Next Article