Vienna Insurance Group in Hungary: Gabor Lehel appointed as new CEO of Union Biztositó

" Published: 17/12/2010, Tags: Personalia"

The middle of the year will see a change in Hungary as Gabor Lehel (33) is appointed CEO of UNION Biztositó Vienna Insurance Group. In this position he will shape the continued, long-term development of the Group company in the Hungarian insurance market. Current CEO Miklós Zsoldos will be stepping down from the position at his own request. He will then spend a year abroad with his family, during which time he will concentrate on issues such as the development of new business models for the insurance industry.


"Gabor Lehel combines international experience and many years of expertise in the insurance industry with excellent knowledge of our Group. I am very happy that we have been able to appoint a young but also very experienced manager who will lead the way to a successful future for Union Biztositó. A transition period will also ensure continuity for Union Biztositó, which has risen to become a leading player in the insurance market under the management of Miklós Zsoldos. On behalf of the management board of Vienna Insurance Group, I would like to thank Miklós Zsoldos for his outstanding contribution to our Group and would be very happy if the opportunity were to arise in the future to make use of his extensive experience in one of our CEE Group companies," comments Günter Geyer, CEO of the Vienna Insurance Group, regarding the change in management in Hungary.

About Gabor Lehel

Gabor Lehel has held a number of management functions within the Vienna Insurance Group since 2003. He is currently already a member of the management boards at Union Biztositó in Hungary and Kooperativa in Slovakia. Lehel comes from Szombathely in Western Hungary and studied business administration, with a particular focus on financial management, in Tatabánya and Budapest. In the Vienna Insurance Group he developed the group controlling function before being appointed Head of the General Secretariat in 2006.  

30 Lehel New CEO Union Eng
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