SDG Flag Day 2024: How VIG Contributes to the Global Goals of the 2030 Agenda

Theresa Herrmann 25/09/2024 4 minutes

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Sustainability Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda. They consist of 17 primary goals addressing the world’s most significant challenges, such as combating poverty, protecting the environment, promoting education and gender equality, and ensuring peace and prosperity. The SDGs emphasise that everyone can contribute positively, targeting both governments and businesses.

VIG employees pose with an SDG flag on the occasion of SDG Flag Day 2024

Since 2019, VIG has been engaging with the SDGs and integrating them into its sustainability efforts. By participating in the SDG Flag Day 2024, we aim to raise further awareness of these goals and particularly highlight our contributions to the following four SDGs.

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
VIG contributes to achieving SDG 3 by offering innovative and digital preventive care products and comprehensive health services for the population. One example of this is the provision of telemedicine. Additionally, VIG supports its employees in health promotion through various sports programmes and psychological counselling.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
VIG promotes gender equality through a group-wide diversity strategy that is flexibly adapted to local needs. We are committed to equal opportunities in hiring and developing employees, respecting cultural differences, and promoting diversity in all areas. Diversity management involves valuing and leveraging the diversity among employees, customers, and partners. With the support of diversity officers and local diversity initiatives, gender diversity is actively promoted and appreciated across all our markets.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
VIG makes a significant contribution to SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” by investing in affordable housing with energy-efficient construction. As buildings in the EU account for 40% of energy consumption and one-third of greenhouse gas emissions, the ecological transformation of the real estate sector is crucial. VIG invests in thermal renovations and the use of renewable energy in its properties. In the medium term, we aim for the taxonomy compliance of our entire real estate portfolio. A successful example is the Ringturm in Vienna. The historic office building received the ÖGNI certification in 2023 and is now officially EU taxonomy compliant.

SDG 13: Climate Action
Through the two declarations “Responsible Investing” and “Responsible Insurance” ,VIG actively takes measures to reduce the impacts of climate change. These declarations, for instance, set exclusion criteria for certain sectors such as thermal coal and unconventional oil and gas and exclude investments in companies that violate the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact or human rights. A key focus of our investments is active engagement and dialogue with companies to encourage them to improve their sustainability performance. This activity, known as engagement, is disclosed in an annual engagement report. Furthermore, VIG aims to support its customers in better adapting to climate change and increasing the share of products and services that are helpful in this regard.

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