C for Compliance


  1. Strategic goal of the department
    It ensures that all regulatory requirements applicable to the Group and the company are complied with, thereby avoiding financial losses and reputational damage for the Group, VIG Holding, the executive bodies and employees. A wide range of compliance topics are managed - from A for AML and supervisory law, D for data protection and due diligence, F for FATCA, I for international sanctions and integrity management to N for sustainability.
  2. Core tasks:
    • Monitoring the legal environment and deriving necessary measures for the Group and holding.
    • Advising and supporting the organisational bodies, employees and Group companies
    • Planning and implementing training to promote compliance awareness
    • Developing and defining compliance standards for the Group and holding company
    • Establishing a compliance risk management system at Group and holding level
    • Implementing of monitoring measures to ensure compliance with legal or internal regulations or the adequacy of established company processes at Group and holding company level
  3. Daily Business:
    • Planning and implementing of group or company-wide standards and projects
    • Answering enquiries on a wide range of compliance topics from Austria and CEE
    • Monitoring the implementation of legal, regulatory and internal requirements by the Group companies
    • Supporting the holding divisions and Group companies in the implementation of requirements
Jasmin Schwarz Head of Compliance of VIG Holding
When it comes to compliance, our primary goal is to prevent us from violating legal and regulatory requirements and suffering significant financial losses as a result. Protecting ourselves is the primary focus. Our main task is to integrate the complex legal requirements into the corporate processes – whether through projects, guidelines, training or consulting activities. This is not possible without sufficient pragmatism, a special understanding of the business model, very good communication skills and a high level of social competence. In turn, the job offers a lot of variety and development opportunities – on a professional and personal level."
Jasmin Schwarz Head of Compliance
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